ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Uncategorized Configuration Variables

The following table lists the configuration variables that are uncategorized. Each configuration variable expects a valid value. An invalid value will not override a setting. You do not need to close and restart in order for the configuration variable change to take effect, unless noted.

Variable Description
MSDIR The root installation directory.
MS_ANNOTATIONSCALEPROPAGATION Controls the propagation of a model's annotation scale.

If set to NEVER, the annotation scale will not be propagated , which is not recommended. If undefined or set to any other value, the annotation scale will be automatically propagated.

We recommend that you use a single annotation scale for all annotations in a model. When you attach a model containing annotations to another model, the Use Active Annotation Scale setting allows you to automatically scale all reference annotations to the same scale as the master model. If your reference model has annotations of different scales, those annotations that do not match their model's annotation scale may face display, selecting, and printing problems. There may also be a performance slowdown.

MS_ARCHIVE Search path for archive files.
MS_ARCHIVECLASS Search path for archive class files.
MS_AUTO_UPDATE_FIELDS Controls the rules for updating fields in the active model. If set to ALWAYS, the fields are always kept up to date. If set to NEVER, the fields are never updated. If not set or set to FOLLOWMODELFLAG, the model's Update Fields Automatically property determines if fields are updated for that model.
MS_BASICEXT_LOAD List of MDL applications that implement extensions to the BASIC language (MS_BASIC_LOAD).
MS_CMDTABLE_LOAD List of MDL applications that will have their key-in tables auto-loaded.
MS_CODESET MDL application for handling multi-byte character sets.
MS_DATA Directory for data files created or used.
MS_DEFCHARTRAN Default character translation table.
MS_DESIGNFILTER Default file filter for the File Open and Open dialogs. If MS_DESIGNFILTER is not defined, the default filter is "*.dgn".
MS_DETAILINGSYMBOLSTYLE_REQUIREDSETTINGS Allows you to customize the validation rules of detailing symbol styles.
MS_DGNAPPS List of all design file MDL applications.
MS_DGNINDEXER_PORT If set, the application uses this port to connect to the remote DGN Indexing servers. The default value is 4000.
MS_DGNOUT Directory containing DGN files created as a result of "on the fly" translation from other file formats.
MS_DIMLEGACYPOINTORDER If set to 1, the dimensioning tools use the legacy data point sequence for placing linear and angular dimensions (StartPoint – ExtensionPoint – EndPoint).
MS_GUIHAND Identifies auxiliary handlers.
MS_HELPLOAD_APPLICATION Determines which application help is based on. Current options are HTMLHelp (default), or StaticWeb. StaticWeb refers to static HTML pages on a web site.
MS_HELPLOAD_SERVER Specifies the root location of the help content. Defaults to $(USTN_DOCUMENTATIONROOT), but can be set to a file server or URL. This variable does not determine if you are using uncompiled HTMLHelp content. If you set this variable, the value of MS_HELPLOAD_SERVER should be the location containing the product directory.
MS_HELPPATH Path to help resource files.
MS_INITAPPS List of initial start-up MDL applications.
MS_KEYPAIRLIST Digital signature KeyPair file list.
MS_MEASURE_AREA_UNIT2 If set to 1, the unit of measurement in the Area or Volume fields is displayed as unit2. For example, m2 for Square meters and m3 for Cubic meters. If not set, it is displayed as Sq.unit or Cu.unit. For example, Sq.m for Square meters and Cu.m for Cubic meters.
MS_NOTEAUTOUPDATE Controls the list of settings that will be propagated to existing notes when a dimension style is saved. To propagate all settings, set to All. To control individual settings, list attributes in a comma-separated list.
MS_OLDUSERLICENSE File that contains old user license information. Required for when installing a product upgrade.
MS_OPENDESIGNFILEFILTER Initial file filter list for the File Open dialog.
MS_RIGHTLOGICKB If set to 1, keyboard input is right to left.
MS_RSRC Main resource file. Typically set to "ustation.rsc."
MS_SETMGR_CREATELEVELS When turned on, Settings Manager creates levels if they are not found in the master file or a level library. When off or missing, Settings Manager will not change the level but display a warning message.
MS_SHEETDIR Specifies the default folder path that should open when you click the Browse Sheet File or Create New Sheet File icons in the Create Drawing dialog.
MS_SIGNATURE_DELETE_REQUIRES_PRIVATE_KEY If set, you may not delete a digital signature unless you possess the private key that was used to create the signature. The default is 0.
MS_SIGNATURE_DISPLAY_UNVERIFIED Controls how an unverified digital signature is crossed out. Value is color weight style strikeout where:

color = a number, specifying the menu color identifier number

weight = a number specifying the line weight of the annotation

style = a number specifying the style

strikeout = how to strike out the signature
  • "X" Draw an X over the signature
  • "-" Draw a line through the middle of the signature
The default is a heavy solid red X over the signature. This is represented by 4 7 0 X To draw a heavy solid blue line through the signature, use the following: 1 7 0 -
MS_SIGNATURE_SHOW_FULL_NAME If on, displays the full subject and issuer name from the signer's certificate in the Properties balloon for a digital signature element.
MS_SMARTSOLID Specifies the directory path for the SmartSolid subsystem.
MS_SNAP_TANGENT_POINT_DEFAULT_MODE The snap mode used to compute the location of a perpendicular or tangent point snap. Applies only when perpendicular or tangent point is the default snap mode. Possible values are:

b - bisector

i - intersection

k - keypoint

m - midpoint

m1 - multisnap1

m2 - multisnap2

m3 - multisnap3

The default is 'k' (keypoint).

MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_APPS The list of MDL applications that are loaded when the Standards Checker utility is started.
MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_OUT Default directory for standards checker reports.
MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_SETTINGSFILE Sets the *.dgnlib file used for standards checking. If this variable is set, the specified file is always used for standards checking.
MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_SETTINGSNAME Sets the name of the settings to use (within the file specified by MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_SETTINGSFILE). If this variable is set, you cannot select different named settings.
MS_STANDARDSCHECKER_STYLESHEET If this variable is set, it specifies the XML style sheet that is used to view the Standards Checker XML report. This variable can be either a file or a URI (Universal Resource Identifier) that can be used by the browser to locate the style sheet. If this variable is not set, the XML style sheet in $(_USTN_WORKSPACEROOT)system/data/standardschecker.xsl is used.
MS_TAGOUTPUT Specifies the output directory for general tags data.
MS_TAGREPORTS Specifies the output directory for tag data manager reports.
MS_TAGTEMPLATES Specifies the directory containing tag data manager report templates.
MS_USECUSTOMSHEETSIZEDEF If set to 0, the sheet sizes will be derived from the active printer driver. If set to 1, the sheet sizes in the Sheet Size definition file (MS_CUSTOMSHEETSIZEDEF) will be available for creating sheet models. If set to 2, the sheet sizes from both sources will be used for creating sheet models.
MS_USERLICENSE File containing user license information.
MS_USERPREF User preference resource file.
MS_USERPREF_APPS Set by application configuration files to add user preferences to standard dialogs.
MS_VIEWATTRIBUTES_PLUGINASSEMBLIES List of assemblies to search in for View Attributes dialog plug-in groups.
PZIP_OUT Specifies default directory for creation of Packager files.

Framework Configuration Variables

The following table lists the Framework configuration variables, which start with the prefix "_USTN".
Variable Description
_USTN_COMMONAPPDATAPATH Defines the full path to the file directory containing application data for all users. By default, this configuration variable points to the C:\ProgramData\Bentley\MicroStation\10.0.* folder.
_USTN_CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION Defines the path of your custom Configuration directory.
_USTN_FIRSTDGNAPPS Allows you to add applications that load on ConstructSim Planner startup.
_USTN_HELPNAMESPACE Used for internal implementation. Do not modify.
_USTN_IRSTEMP Used for internal implementation. Do not modify.
_USTN_LOCALUSERAPPDATAPATH Defines the full path to the directory containing application data for currently signed in user. By default, this configuration variable points to the C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Local\Bentley\MicroStation\10.0.* folder.
_USTN_LOCALUSERTEMPPATH Defines the full path to the temp directory containing application data for currently signed in user. By default, this configuration variable points to the C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Temp\Bentley\MicroStation\10.0.* folder.
_USTN_MASTEMP Used for internal implementation. Do not modify.
_USTN_MASTEMP_EXTRACT Used for internal implementation. Do not modify.
_USTN_MASTEMP_PACKAGE Used for internal implementation. Do not modify.
_USTN_MASTEMP_ZIP Used for internal implementation. Do not modify.
_USTN_OUTDIRNAME Defines the name for the design file output file. The default value is out.
_USTN_PRODUCT_HELPFILENAME Used for internal implementation. Do not modify.
_USTN_USERAPPDATAPATH Defines the full path to the roaming directory containing application data for currently signed in user. By default, this configuration variable points to the C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Bentley\MicroStation\10.0.* folder.
_USTN_WORKSETDGNSDIRNAME Defines the name of the WorkSet design files folder. The default value is dgn.
_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDSDIRNAME Defines the name of the WorkSet standards files folder. The default value is Standards.